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The Six Reasons Marketing Plans Fail

There’s a long-standing paradox in the industry we primarily serve: marketers don’t market. That changes here, with this white paper. We are going to tell you exactly why you don’t market, and help you see how that can change.

In this whitepaper, we’ll debunk:

  • the impediments to a fruitful vision
  • the practical obstacles in your way
  • the wrong stats that preoccupy you

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At Newfangled, we’re big believers in incremental growth. Small, important acts done consistently can yield disproportionately valuable results. Time is perhaps the most influential of all the unchangeable, governing factors of life. In your business, is time an ally or an adversary? Are you hoping that the business, with a touch of luck, gets by for another few years just until you sell it or retire? Or are you putting acquisition, delivery, and measurement systems in place that make the business so strong and enjoyable that you’d be crazy to walk away from it?

One way Newfangled has been using time to our advantage over the past three years is by implementing a system I learned from the Strategic Coach program called the DOS (dangers, opportunities, strengths) assessment.

We begin relationships with a few dozen or so new clients each year. The first step in our relationship is a half-day, on-site kickoff in their office with their leadership team. In advance of t