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Some Helpful Repositories

Lately there have been a few repositories that Ive found helpful while researching different topics.

programmablewebs API Directory

A pretty comprehensive database of API resources, broken out by category, popularity, freshness, etc. Each API is listed with protocol and functionality details, as well as links to developer resources and example usage.

SitePoints list of code repositories

Great list of Open Source dumping grounds, very helpful when the best way to learn a new concept is to see it fleshed out. Good writeup by Josh Catone, from my home state of Rhode Island.

Ajax Design Patterns

Has reviews of client and server side frameworks, as well as discussions about more general web programming design practices. Also available in book form from OReilly

Expanded Beard Type Chart
Finally, for the bearded programmer, its often helpful to be able to categorize ones facial hair type. Im currently a boring Short Boxed Beard.

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