Justin Henning

Email Marketing Strategist

I have the pleasure of working with you, and your firm to implement the technology necessary to send your email campaigns to your leads. I make sure your site and content strategy are connected with your email marketing and uncover insights in your analytics to discover where, when, and how you can best optimize your efforts and thought leadership to get results.

My 17+ career has included a number of memorable moments, from my early days as a reporter in Florida, posting blog updates under my newsroom desk during Florida-aimed hurricanes, to building websites and developing digital messaging strategies for a wide range of national brands and college universities. Through all of my various career stops, I’ve developed and honed a sense of how to achieve success in the digital marketing landscape. In addition, my status as one of the oldest known millennials gives me a unique advantage when it comes to navigating online services and experiences that engage your intended audience in the best possible way. 

Originally from the Kansas City area, I’ve earned a journalism degree and master’s degree in digital marketing from the University of Kansas (Rock Chalk!). I moved around the country for work in Scranton, Pa. and West Palm Beach, Fla. before moving back to my college hometown Lawrence, Kan, where I now live with my wife, kids, cats and corgi.

I find a good distance run does wonders for the mind and body. I enjoy reading, including important books as well as those that would most definitely qualify as guilty pleasures. I’m always a yes if you ask me if I’d like to grab a cup of coffee, too.

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