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Resource Roundup: Things Agencies Should Know About

This week, I’m sharing a few things: A great piece on web tracking and privacy, thoughts on the future of innovation on the web, several posts from frog’s DesignMind, and a video on design leadership…

Jim Stogdill wrote a longish but thoughtful piece on the ethics of tracking called An Ethical Bargain. Here’s a good clip:

Okay … Let me just ask this: If you are involved in data capture, analytics, or customer marketing in your company, would you be embarrassed to admit to your neighbor what about them you capture, store and analyze? Would you be willing to send them a zip file with all of it to let them see it? If the answer is “no,” why not? If I might hazard a guess at the answer, it would be because real relationships aren’t built on asymmetry, and you know that. But rather than eliminate that awkward source of asymmetry, you hide it.

PSFK had an interesting thought on how Digital Archaeology is the key to the future of innovation on the web..

Frog’s DesignMind blog published a few interesting posts over the last couple of weeks. The first was from frog’s CMO, Tim Leberecht, on Smart Brands in the Connected Age to which I ended up blogging my own response, on Brands, Connectedness, and Content. The second was from Kate Canales on why Finding Creative People is Easy. The third was also from Tim Leberect and is a nice follow-up to our last newsletter on mobile, covering how Mobile Financial Services are Still Lacking Scale and Scope.

Finally, a video interview with Designer Chris Bangle on Design Leadership:

Chris Bangle on design leadership from Bradley Derry on Vimeo.

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