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The 2008 Survey For People Who Make Websites


My wife (who is a web developer for Duke University) recently sent me this link to the results of A List Apart’s second annual survey of the web industry. It thought it was so cool, I figured I’d share it here:

Findings from The Survey For People Who Make Websites 2008

A List Apart is an online magazine which “explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.” In 2008, over 30 thousand people took part in the survey, with questions ranging from Age, Gender, and Ethnicity to Years in the Field, Salary, and the Perception of Bias.

With a global recession in full swing as of December 2007, we were
particularly interested to find out how financially and professionally
secure web people felt, and whether there were discernible differences
in the way people responded to questions about satisfaction and
security in 2008, compared with 2007.

The results are all pretty interesting–a detailed snap-shot of our industry. I was particularly fascinated by
the numbers related to blogging.


As you can see from the screen shot above, over 70% of people surveyed are actively blogging. Although the numbers are pretty close across the board, I have to admit I was surprised to see that the “65 and over” age group had the highest percentage of bloggers.


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